Upcoming Weekends
  • November 2 – 3, 2013
  • February 15 – 16, 2014
  • April 26 – 27, 2014
  • June 7 – 8, 2014
  • September 13 – 14, 2014
  • November 1 – 2, 2014
You can also click here to download our flyer.

Having completed our introductory weekends in 2010, we began teaching the Diamond Approach curriculum in January 2011, marking the official beginning of the Diamond Approach Los Angeles ongoing group. (Having attended the introductory weekends is not a prerequisite to attending the upcoming weekends. The group remains open to and welcomes new students.)

For those who were not in attendance, the introductory weekends featured teachings on the three centers – the belly or body center, the heart center, and the head center. When these subtle centers are activated and in alignment, they bring harmony and power to our spiritual journey, manifesting as realization and integration.

In our initial weekend, we explored the heart's spiritual aspiration- the longing for what is real- and gave an orientation about inquiry and presence. We saw how this love for the real initiates and fuels our spiritual unfoldment.

In our August weekend, we looked at how the presence of the belly center supports the heart in its longing, bringing to light qualities of will, groundedness, inner support and steadfastness on the path. We examined our understanding of the role of embodiment on the inner journey and the obstacles to allowing ourselves to be fully present in our bodies.

In the October weekend, we began an exploration of the head center, which is related to awareness, peace, clarity, brilliancy, understanding, awakening, and guidance. We explored the importance and place of the mind on our inner journey. In contrast to many spiritual paths, in the Diamond Approach we develop the integration of all the various capacities of our minds as support for our unfoldment.

Again, you are welcome to join us for a weekend at anytime, even if you are new to the Diamond Approach.

For more information please contact us.

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